More than just the world’s fastest search

DealFinder will give Tour Operators and OTAs market leading speed with any search returned instantly. Our easy to integrate, standalone cache technology will deliver you the fastest and broadest search capabilities for your travel website.

DealFinder will turbo-charge your search results; enhancing customer experience and improving conversion.

DealFinder allows your customers to search and filter holidays by broad dates, themes, airports and destinations to suit their needs, improving customer experience and conversion.

Don’t be left behind. Contact us today to discuss your requirements.

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Turbo-charge your search capabilities 

 DealFinder can store and search through billions of property and flight costs with market leading speed and breadth. Allow your customers to search 1000s of holidays and filter the results by broad dates, themes, airports and destinations.

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Depth and breadth of the cache

Get access to all combinations and permutations from your suppliers for all departure dates, airports, hotel, room type, meal bases, party size and durations

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Benefits and features

Market-leading speed

Market-leading speed

Any search returned in under 300ms – effectively instant

Broad search and filter

Broad search and filter

Search and filter by broad dates, themes, airports and destinations.

Easy integration

Easy integration

DealFinder is standalone and will work with any reservation system

Get up to speed now

Contact us today to discuss your requirements. Let us show you how DealFinder can give your travel website market-leading search capabilities.

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Travel companies have been asking for years to have faster and broader search and we have developed something for them that is practically instant. It will transform website search capability and offer an enhanced experience that will improve conversion


– Andy Keeley, Commercial Director at intuitive

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